About me
I have a private practice, as well as practicing in an agency on Harley Street and with MIND in Haringey. I have experience in a range of community and hospital settings, and work with The Haven London charity, which supports artists and people in the creative industries.
I began my counselling training after volunteering at University College Hospital in the chaplaincy, providing listening services and support to patients and their families, often at times of crisis and distress. This work made me reflect on the existential questions – what it means to be alive, what it means to be dying – and to want to find ways to talk about these with others, authentically and vulnerably.
My range of experience has helped me to reflect on the impact of diversity and difference in our lives, through working with people of a range of backgrounds and ethnicities, across the age-groups. I am queer-positive and affirming of all gender identities and sexual preferences.
I am interested in exploring how spirituality and belief inform the way we understand and experience the world. Counselling is a place where we can explore what is hidden and access our own transformative energy.